About Jordan's Journey

Jordan’s Journey began in late December, 2002 when my then four year-old daughter Jordan Vincent started having debilitating headaches. By New Year’s Eve, her pain was so constant and severe that she couldn’t eat or sleep. Her doctors first thought it was a sinus infection, but when she started seeing double she was admitted to the hospital and her journey with cancer began.

Jordan is an amazing fighter. In fact, after over a decade beating cancer back again and again, we dubbed her the “cancer slayer.”

I began writing this blog shortly after Jordan was diagnosed. Its original function was to manage the flow of information. It was too daunting for me to call all our friends and relay the latest updates in her healthcare story. So, I posted updates on a blog and asked everyone we knew to check there before calling us. Over time, the writer in me engaged and instead of just posting facts, I offloaded feelings and observations from our family life. It became a kind of therapy. I found that once I released the angst in my head, or shared the triumphs from our experience, I was stronger. I could be a better dad. It helped me support the slayer.

Jordan is still on her journey with cancer, but she is now a beautiful, resilient young lady who never backs away from the fight and only focuses on living every single day to its fullest.